机械放松式: ·适用于材料厚薄不同、长短不一之送料加工。 ·适用于高速及长尺寸送料,提升产能和送料精度。 ·采用人机界面,备有送料长度及送料速度的按键数字码,操作任意设定,迅速又准确,送料长度0.01mm~9999.99mm。 ·采用机械式放松(放松点位准确),可长期使用,零故障。 ·Suitable for the feeding and processing of materials that are different in thickness and length. ·Suitable for high-speed and long material feeding,the unit ca n help go upgrade productivity and feeding accuracy. It use touch screen,Feed Length And Speed Can Easy To Adjustment,Quickly And Certainly.Feed length From 0.01 mm To 9999.99mm. ·Mechanical release can be used by long-time and no any malfunction.
特性: ·采用最精密日本三菱安川台达AC伺服马达驱动,操作简单又快速,有效缩短工作准备时间,提高生产力。 ·机身结构一体成型,构造精密,机体钢强。 ·本机是根据本公司长期经验积累开发而成,强调长期使用负载、寿命长、精度高和维护简便。 ·It adopts the most accurate AC servo motor,easily and quickly operating it is effective to save preparation time and increase productivity. ·The machine is integrally formed with precise structure and strong frame. ·The feederis designed according to our long period experience, emphasising on long service life,high accuracy and easy maintenance.